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09-Gator Eggs 17 mw 071907.JPG
With the outside temperatures pushing 100 degrees and much higher in the nests, Wayne "Hoho" Brooks, right, and Carl Nettles, from Brooks Brothers Alligator Farm in Christmas, Florida place a felt tip pen mark on the top of each alligator egg as they legally harvest the eggs them from a nest in Lake Miccosukee July 19, 2007.  Fourteen men from both the Florida Wildlife Commission and private gator farms collected 562 eggs at Lake Miccosukee 25 miles east of Tallahassee.   (Mark Wallheiser/

With the outside temperatures pushing 100 degrees and much higher in the nests, Wayne "Hoho" Brooks, right, and Carl Nettles, from Brooks Brothers Alligator Farm in Christmas, Florida place a felt tip pen mark on the top of each alligator egg as they legally harvest the eggs them from a nest in Lake Miccosukee July 19, 2007. Fourteen men from both the Florida Wildlife Commission and private gator farms collected 562 eggs at Lake Miccosukee 25 miles east of Tallahassee. (Mark...
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