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Hurricane Dennis 09 mw 092905.jpg
Bradley Seaver knots up a shore rope on his commercial shrimp boat Miss Angela Kay in the town of Bayou La Batre, Alabama, July 9, 2005, in anticipation of a strike by Hurricane Dennis.  Bayou La Batre, across Mobile Bay from Mobile, Alabama, was made famous in the 1994 movie Forrest Gump where a hurricane completely destroyed the entire shrimping fleet.

Bradley Seaver knots up a shore rope on his commercial shrimp boat Miss Angela Kay in the town of Bayou La Batre, Alabama, July 9, 2005, in anticipation of a strike by Hurricane Dennis. Bayou La Batre, across Mobile Bay from Mobile, Alabama, was made famous in the 1994 movie Forrest Gump where a hurricane completely destroyed the entire shrimping fleet.

Copyright ©2005 Mark Wallheiser