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First Presbyterian Church 01 mw 112897.jpg
First Presbyterian Church (established 1832) in Tallahassee, Florida.  The oldest church in the city and one of the oldest churches in the state was built in 1833 when Florida was still a territory.  The slaves sat upstairs and had a separate entrance.  The downstairs pews have a center divider that seperated the men and women.  The downtown church has gun ports in it's brick walls in the basement to ward off Indian attacks when, at that time, the church was an outpost of the young city.

First Presbyterian Church (established 1832) in Tallahassee, Florida. The oldest church in the city and one of the oldest churches in the state was built in 1833 when Florida was still a territory. The slaves sat upstairs and had a separate entrance. The downstairs pews have a center divider that seperated the men and women. The downtown church has gun ports in it's brick walls in the basement to ward off Indian attacks when, at that time, the church was an outpost of the young city.

Copyright ©1997 Mark Wallheiser