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Crist Inauguration 44 mw 01.JPG
Former Lt Governor Toni Jennings, third from left, goofs around by putting rabbit hears behind the head of Senator Mel Martinez, second from left, while Martinez's wife Kitty Martinez laughs at the inauguration of Charlie Crist as the 44th Governor of the state of Florida on the east portico of the Old Capitol in Tallahassee, Florida January 2, 2007.   (Mark Wallheiser/

Former Lt Governor Toni Jennings, third from left, goofs around by putting rabbit hears behind the head of Senator Mel Martinez, second from left, while Martinez's wife Kitty Martinez laughs at the inauguration of Charlie Crist as the 44th Governor of the state of Florida on the east portico of the Old Capitol in Tallahassee, Florida January 2, 2007. (Mark Wallheiser/

Copyright ©2008 Mark Wallheiser