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Shark Fishing 10 mw 080407.JPG
Pamela Lalik, left, Libbie Crowley, center, and Ashely Eggers, all 22 year-old FSU students, protest the shark tournament at the foot of the St. George Island bridge several blocks away the weigh-in at the First Annual St. George island Shark Fishing Classic at the Jolly Roger Beach Shop on St. George Island August 4, 2007.    (Mark Wallheiser/

Pamela Lalik, left, Libbie Crowley, center, and Ashely Eggers, all 22 year-old FSU students, protest the shark tournament at the foot of the St. George Island bridge several blocks away the weigh-in at the First Annual St. George island Shark Fishing Classic at the Jolly Roger Beach Shop on St. George Island August 4, 2007. (Mark Wallheiser/

Copyright ©2009 Mark Wallheiser