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Lake Cascade 2 mw 062304.jpg
A man and his dog Tuesday walk down a path to Lake Cascade as it rains. The pair had finished hiking around the lake and some of the other lakes in this chain of lakes on the west side of Tallahassee.  The pair often hike the lake and other places that are beautiful and remote according to Estep.  "This would make a great park" the man said of the area he was at where Lake Cascade comes within a few yards of Capitol Circle west and pointing to where the picnic tables and fishing pier would be.  "We need more city parks" he said of the western side of town, adding "Lake Ella is to crowded."

A man and his dog Tuesday walk down a path to Lake Cascade as it rains. The pair had finished hiking around the lake and some of the other lakes in this chain of lakes on the west side of Tallahassee. The pair often hike the lake and other places that are beautiful and remote according to Estep. "This would make a great park" the man said of the area he was at where Lake Cascade comes within a few yards of Capitol Circle west and pointing to where the picnic tables and fishing...
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