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Lawrence Snodgrass 01 mw 012914.JPG
Snow and sleet fall outside as 67 year-old Lawrence Snodgrass and his daughter-in-law Tiffany Johnson live on Snodgrass's 1967 boat "Sprong" where's he's lived for the past three years  in St Marks, FL .  Snodgrass fishes for grunts and sea bass to supplement his Vietnam veteran's benefit from the government.  Snodgrass just returned home after a couple of days in the hospital from a leg injury he received repairing his boat.

Snow and sleet fall outside as 67 year-old Lawrence Snodgrass and his daughter-in-law Tiffany Johnson live on Snodgrass's 1967 boat "Sprong" where's he's lived for the past three years in St Marks, FL . Snodgrass fishes for grunts and sea bass to supplement his Vietnam veteran's benefit from the government. Snodgrass just returned home after a couple of days in the hospital from a leg injury he received repairing his boat.

Copyright ©2014 Mark Wallheiser